Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fool's Day

I pulled April Foolio's Day on the 2nd this year - everybody would have been too suspecting otherwise. I actually DID have a hair appointment - but only cut off about 4 inches. The wig store helped me elaborate. It was great - everybody was very diplomatic and kind. I now know that I can't trust anybody... ;)


joni said...

You look like the typical Utah Mormon mom with that hair cut. That is why no one would make fun of you. They probably all had the same haircut...

Liz said...

Hey Heidi,
I was surprised when I saw your comment on my blog. I always forget that you and Joni are related. Looks like you have been quite the world traveler! And just for the record, I think that haircut would actually look cute on you!

Tiffany said...

You're such a brat. I couldn't believe it when you told me your cut off your beautiful curls. But, of course, being the trusting friend that I am... I believed you!!

Anonymous said...

OK we both know. I would have said something... like the time you went blonde...


I would have kicked your ArSS

Shaun Lunt 1973-2008