Monday, June 6, 2011


Today holds so much power. 
It shouldn't - it's just a random day for the world, June 6th. 
But today the memories break the wall they're so lovingly put behind. Grief intrudes. Sorrow swallows the air... and the reality of loss settles quietly in my heart. 
The day life is taken from someone you love is forever hallmarked. 
It cycles around like a beautiful burden. 
Approaching and passing - leaving those few who remember shell-shocked and battered. 
I hate today. 
I struggle to celebrate his life on June 6th - because despite my best efforts, today I remember his death. 
These thoughts aren't pretty. They're not full of platitudes and grace... and I'm good with that. 

1 comment:

BobGuhr said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Many people live their entire lives without once experiencing the type of Love you and Shaun shared for one another. I don't understand God's plan but I do know that what you shared was a blessing. The photos, videos and words that Shaun and yourself have shared are an inspiration for all of us to live our lives in meaningful, loving and fulfilling ways. Thank You

Shaun Lunt 1973-2008