Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy 36th

December 21st...Shaun's Birthday. He should be turning 36 today. So many dreams and so much life he missed, and also so much living he was able to squeeze into his beautiful and brief life.
I asked him when his birthday was when we first met. He said, "Well, i can't tell you, but I can tell you it rhymes with Beesimbur Bunty-fun."  I never forgot it..., guess his crafty and clever little plan worked.
I am amazed by Shaun still... every day I feel him. Every day I am better because of him. But this holiday season as I celebrate the birth of my Savior, I also celebrate the birth of my soul-friend, my heart's joy, my beloved. I express such gratitude for the blessings of their lives. They have both taught me and remind me still where I am going and the sometimes hidden and challenging path that leads home.
I feel so completely and utterly blessed to have had this incredibly precious man in my life, to have spent the closing scenes of his life with him. I could have missed out, I could have missed HIM. Thank You, God, for the blessing.
Loving and missing you always...
Happy Birthday.

What Is This Thing That Men Call Death

By President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008)

What is this thing that men call death,
This quiet passing in the night?
’Tis not the end, but genesis
Of better worlds and greater light.

O God, touch Thou my aching heart,
And calm my troubled, haunting fears.
Let hope and faith, transcendent, pure,
Give strength and peace beyond my tears.

There is no death, but only change
With recompense for victory won;
The gift of Him who loved all men,
The Son of God, the Holy One.

 God be with you till we meet again...I love you.

1 comment:

Kinsey Pistorius said...

Heidi, I may have not known Shaun personally but because you write so beautifully about him, I am getting to know him little by little each time you do. Your courage to grieve and share your journey with all of us is inspiring. I hope you have a wonderful celebration of Shaun today and enjoy your holidays too!

Shaun Lunt 1973-2008