Monday, June 23, 2008

Chaui - August 6, 2007 to June 20, 2008

(Christmas Day with the kiddies - don't worry - I didn't humiliate him like this regularly!)Chaui, short for Chauite, is named for the town drunk in Pejibaye, Costa Rica. Chaui couldn't really bark, sounded garbled and drunk... hence his name-sake.
My cute little pup, Chaui, was killed on Friday evening. Guess God needed him too...
Chaui and I had gotten pretty dang attached and had some great adventures (hiking, climbing, boating, and exploring). Like most dogs I think, he was really sensitive to the feelings around him. Over the last 2 weeks since Shaun was killed (to the hour almost), Chaui has layed his little head on my chest while I cry. He didn't know what to do - so he'd just look at me and try to lick my tears. Crazy how consoling a little cuddling dog can be. Life has been lonely since Shaun's been gone - just got a lot more so...
I don't understand the plan in all of this - but I believe that Shaun is in heaven, I believe he is at peace and engaged in God's work, and now he's got a little piece of me there. It doesn't make anything feel better, but it is a little comforting to think that Chaui cuddled up in my arms a half-hour before he cuddled up in Shaun's...

I've got Becky's dog now, Jax, he's Chaui's brother - very different in temperment - but sweet. He's a little wussy with hiking and adventure - but we'll both adapt together. (In the above pic, we're climbing in Moab, Chaui's lovin it, Jax is trying to bite my head to get him down).
There has to be some adventure in heaven, or for some of us (including Shaun and I), it wouldn't quite be heaven. Shaun's got a new pal to do stuff with until I get there...

I'm pretty dang homesick...


Kinsey Pistorius said...

Heidi, I am so sorry you lost your little dog too! This has got to be so hard especially because Chaui was there to comfort you right now. I know when my husband's brother was killed in a motorcycle accident (five years ago now), we got a dog a few months later and it helped so much in our grieving. Then, my husband's father died last year and we thought that maybe David's brother needed him more than we did here. It is so hard to understand God's plan but one day we will thank goodness because without it, we'd be lost for sure. I am still thinking of you daily.

Grandma B said...

Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about your little pup. You are really being given a lot to deal with right now. I think about you most days and pray that you feel comforted.
I remember the first time I laid eyes on, becky and donovan marched up to the side of the pulpit one Sunday and with yellow cardstock sunshines (with the faces cutout) you sang your little heart out with a sweet remdition of Jesus Wants Me For A Sunshine! You had the sweetest little doll face.
Know that others love you and are praying for you and there for you. Let them help you get through this. Take care, Love, Janet

Teresa said...

hey cousin,
just want you to knot that i have been thinking about you a lot lately. hang in there . . . there are lots of times i'm not so sure about the plan too but i know that there is someone who knows exactly what he's doing up there. love you tons! if you ever need a break come to california . . . lots of family here that love you :)
love teresa

Shaun Lunt 1973-2008