I had a wonderful weekend with Shaun's Dad, Norm.
I can't quite express how connecting it was to spend a weekend doing nothing but talking, laughing, and crying about our favorite topic.
Shaun felt closer when Norm was here... the apple didn't fall far.
My heart dropped a bit to see that fabled yellow-jeep of so many of Shaun and Norm's adventures disappear into the fog. What a precious son, and a precious Dad. Thank you for sharing your heart Norm, and with it, some precious insights into your sweet son.
There are some wounds time doesn't heal. Until Heaven...
We love you. I pray that knowledge is deeply felt in your heart. You have left us aching... but you also left us with a beautiful heart to follow and memories to make us smile at night.
Someday when I find the right words to express the uniqueness of your spirit I can stop trying - but until then - I'll continue to somehow try to thank you for all your heart gives me, simply by being you. And to do a small part to help the world still be impacted by your goodness.
He is with me still... his audible voice is quieted, but my heart can still hear...
Companionship doesn't always come with a warm body... sometimes it's in the quiet of the heart. And when I can find the strength to see beyond this temporal world, I recognize I need never feel lonely.