Shaun getting knocked around a bit after shooting the .457 round through his rifle. And he's STILL a great shot...
This was after shooting some .45-70 rounds saying, "Hey, that wasn't so bad!"... then we swtiched to the .457 Magnum...
Shooting the .457 Magnum, shortened barrel, un-ported, Wild West rifle. I only shot it once... My arm went numb and tingly, tears came to my eyes, and I felt like somebody just hit me with a 2x4. If that sucker doesn't stop a bear - what the heck will??
This was fun - shot the .308 sniper rifle at about 250 yards. The scope makes things so much eaiser!
Shaun shooting the .308 sniper rifle... he's good at EVERYTHING!
The .457 ammo isn't on the paper - it's bigger and meaner than the .45-70. Shaun always asks me what I would rather be shot with... are you kidding me?
In the hangar before Shaun heads out to do some aerobatic flying in an Extra. He had to have a heart to heart with the Super Cub so there weren't any hard feelings.
It was another great trip to visit Shaun! He's headed back to Alaska for another couple of months of flying. Keep an eye on his site for his new photos and adventures in the northland. Grizzly Bears beware!!! I'll miss you... PLEASE be safe! I LOVE YOU!
In the hangar before Shaun heads out to do some aerobatic flying in an Extra. He had to have a heart to heart with the Super Cub so there weren't any hard feelings.
It was another great trip to visit Shaun! He's headed back to Alaska for another couple of months of flying. Keep an eye on his site for his new photos and adventures in the northland. Grizzly Bears beware!!! I'll miss you... PLEASE be safe! I LOVE YOU!